Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief & Rescue

Ethics Agreement

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief & Rescue (CBRR&R) Code of Ethics

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief & Rescue (CBRR&R) establishes this Code of Ethics which states the
minimum responsibilities and practices that shall be maintained by all members of this organization.

As a member of CBRR&R I will,

  1. Abide-by and uphold the principles of the Mission Statement, By-Laws and this Code of Ethics of CBRR&R.
  2. Follow the current operating guidelines and procedures as set forth by CBRR&R.
  3. Provide all animals in my care with humane treatment, adequate nutrition and care, and a healthy, safe environment at all times, in a manner consistent with the mission of this organization.
  4. Provide appropriate supervision and confinement for dogs in my care. Prevent dogs in my care from presenting a nuisance or danger to the public. I will closely supervise any interactions between children and CBRR&R dogs in my care.
  5. Treat fellow CBRR&R members with respect, courtesy, and consideration. Maintain good relations with fellow CBRR&R members and work cooperatively for the good of the dogs and the organization.
  6. Take care to separate my personal role from my position(s) with CBRR&R when communicating on matters not involving CBRR&R business. When communicating publicly, in person, via email or any social media outlets (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) on matters that involve CBRR&R business, I will not presume to speak for CBRR&R on any topic, unless I am certain that the views I express are those of CBRR&R, and it is CBRR&R’s desire that such views be publicly disseminated. When dealing with anyone outside CBRR&R, I will take care not to compromise the integrity or damage the reputation of CBRR&R or its members. I understand that any activity on my part which is deemed by the Board to be inappropriate or potentially damaging to CBRR&R can be considered as grounds for termination of CBRR&R membership.
  7. Agree that all dogs rescued by CBRR&R will be spayed or neutered in the usual course prior to placement.
  8. Agree that all dogs in my care for which a signed surrender form is on file at the administrative offices of CBRR&R are legal property of CBRR&R.
  9. Agree that all CBRR&R dogs will be evaluated for temperament by a rescue volunteer. Dogs whose temperaments deem them unplaceable will be euthanized or placed in one of the few havens for unplaceable dogs.
  10. Agree that all dogs with unknown medical history will be isolated and will be taken to a veterinarian as soon as possible after rescue for an examination and all required basic veterinary care as described in the operating guidelines.
  11. Agree that I will make the dog’s welfare my primary concern in screening potential homes and will make every effort to place dogs in homes appropriate for their age, sex, activity level, health and temperament. I will carefully follow screening procedures outlined in the operating guidelines.
  12. Agree that CBRR&R dogs will not be released to any individual, group, or organization for the purpose of breeding, experimentation, fighting, dog raffles, prizes or give-aways.
  13. Agree that CBRR&R dogs will be released to former rightful owners or their responsible breeders upon request, except in cases where the dog’s well being may be in jeopardy, as determined by the Board of Directors. Members are encouraged to work with responsible breeders to assist in the return of dogs bred by the breeder.
  14. Agree the resources provided by CBRR&R, Inc are used solely for the good of the CBRR&R organization, CBRR&R related activities and CBRR&R dogs.
  15. Establish and uphold CBRR&R’s reputation of trust and honor in the rescue community and the public.
  16. Recognize our responsibility to protect the name and reputation of the breed, while at the same time honestly representing the true character of the breed and of individual CBRR&R dogs.
  17. Treat owners, shelter staff, potential adopters, and other rescuers in a kind and respectful manner. Provide education about the Chesapeake character. To the extent I am able, provide education, support and assistance that may enable owners to solve problems with their dogs and enable owners to continue to keep their dogs as members of the family. CBRR&R members shall help and support their fellow members in fulfilling this obligation.

All infractions of the Code should be reported in writing to the CBRR&R President, and will be handled in accordance with the By-Laws, and Operating Procedures of CBRR&R.
Members are urged to bring to the Board any problems which confront them in their efforts to comply with the Code.

DATE:  March 14, 2025


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Document name: Ethics Agreement
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Timestamp Audit
June 5, 2019 4:40 pm EDTEthics Agreement Uploaded by CBR Admin - [email protected] IP
June 6, 2019 4:52 pm EDTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
July 8, 2019 8:54 am EDTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
July 29, 2019 5:30 pm EDTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: