Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief & Rescue

Volunteer / Foster Agreement - eSignature

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief & Rescue

Volunteer / Foster Release & Indemnity Agreement

Hold Harmless Agreement

I, fully understand and agree to assume all risks involved in any and all duties that I perform in my capacity as a volunteer with Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Inc. and I agree to hold Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Inc. harmless for any injury(ies) which I might sustain during the course of my volunteer duties. This waiver does include myself, all of my family members and descendants forever from seeking any legal action whatsoever against Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Inc. or its representatives.

In consideration of being permitted to volunteer for Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Inc. (also known as CBRR&R) from Texas, each of the undersigned, for himself/herself, his personal representative, heirs, next of kin, invitees, and/or guests:

  1. I understand that because I may handle and / or come in contact with animals, it is important to discuss being vaccinated against tetanus with my physician and / or keeping my tetanus vaccination status current. I release CBRR&R from all responsibility that may occur because of my not pursuing this matter further and I understand whatever decision I make concerning the status of my tetanus vaccinations is at my own risk. I have read, understand and agree to the above tetanus information.
  2. I acknowledge and understand that as a volunteer of CBRR&R, I am not covered by workers’ compensation or any other liability insurance policy through CBRR&R for any damages or injuries I may sustain during volunteer activities. I understand that I am responsible for obtaining health insurance coverage through an independent health insurance company.
  3.  I fully understand that as a part of my volunteer work for CBRR&R, I assume the many risks associated with being around animals, including but not limited to the risks of being bitten, scratched, jumped on, knocked over, chased, tripped, infected with a disease, or otherwise injured or frightened, as well as the risks of damage to personal property and that Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Inc. cannot guarantee me or anyone else what type of temperament the animal(s) I will come in contact with through volunteering with the organization may have, and that I am not an agent of  Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Inc., and that I hereby accept responsibility for the animal(s) in my care and/or responsibility as a volunteer.
  4. I fully understand that as a volunteer and / or foster home for CBRR&R, my family may come into contact with animals at CBRR&R events, and I and my family and / or guests may come into contact with animals in my home if I am fostering an animal. I understand that working with animals carries a risk of injury, and it is possible that my family and / or guests may be bitten, scratched and / or otherwise injured.
  5. Hereby this Hold Harmless, waives, discharges, and covenants not to sue Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Inc., its employees, agents, members, directors, officers, or any affiliated entities thereof, from all liability to the undersigned, his personal representative, assigns, heirs, next of kin, guests, and/or invitees for any and all loss or damage, and any claim or demands therefore on account of injury to the person or property or resulting in death of the undersigned or anyone else arising out of or related to volunteering for Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Inc.
  6. Hereby agrees to indemnify and save and hold harmless Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Inc., its employees, agents, members, directors, officers, or any affiliated entities thereof, from any loss, liability, damage, or cost including bodily injury or property damage arising out of or related to the care or fostering of an animal from Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief & Rescue, Inc.
  7. Hereby assumes full responsibility for any risk of bodily injury, death or property damage arising out of or related to volunteering for Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Inc.
  8. Hereby agrees that this Hold Harmless extends to all acts of Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, Inc., its employees, agents, members, directors, officers, or any affiliated entities thereof, and is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of New York and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. 

I have read this agreement, Hold Harmless. I fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and I have signed it freely and voluntarily without any inducement, assurance, or guarantee being made to me and intend my signature to be a complete and unconditional Hold Harmless of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.

By signing this document, the Fostering Party hereby declares: that no representations about the nature of said dog, nor any representations regarding the nature and extent of legal liability or financial responsibility have induced the Fostering Party to make this Release and Indemnity Agreement.

Volunteer & Foster Agreement

THE UNDERSIGNED hereby further agrees to abide by the "Terms of Volunteering and / or Fostering" listed below:

  1. Following CBRR&R rules at all times. Volunteer and/or Fostering Party have been provided and read CBRR&R’s Volunteer Foster Manual and agrees to follow all rules and policies of CBRR&R’s Volunteer Foster Manual.  (Required):   

  2. Have watched CBRR&R safety videos. Volunteer and/or Fostering Party attest that I have been provided and have watched CBRR&R’s Safety Videos presented on the Resource Center page of the CBRR&R’s Website.  (Required):   

Foster Activities

  1. Neutering. Fostering Party agrees that under no circumstances will this dog be used for breeding purposes if not neutered/spayed before placement in foster home with Fostering Party. Fostering Party agrees to keep females in heat away from male dogs and to accept full responsibility for any puppies resulting from any such union with Rescue dog.
  2. Return. If for any reason, the foster situation is not satisfactory to Fostering Party, or if Fostering Party fails to comply with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or if any misrepresentations have been made by the Fostering Party, the dog must be returned to CBRR&R immediately upon request without legal writ or order. Foster dog must be in as good or better mental and physical condition as on the date of initial fostering ("condition" as determined by CBRR&R Directors). If said dog is returned in worse condition than as on date of initial fostering (as determined by CBR Relief & Rescue Directors), Fostering Party agrees to pay for costs of returning dog to condition as of date of initial fostering. CBRR&R will accept return of said dog for any reason. Fostering Party must notify CBRR&R by phone, email or message of the need to return foster dog, and state the reason why. Fostering Party agrees to allow CBRR&R up to two (2) weeks notice of the need to return foster dog if requested to do so to allow CBRR&R to make other arrangements for Rescue foster dog in that time period. Fostering Party recognizes that CBR Relief & Rescue will make every effort to remove foster dog from Fostering Party as quickly as possible, but has through the defined two weeks to do so. Fostering Party agrees to be responsible for any expenses incurred in the dog's return, including shipping, and is responsible for returning dog to intake location or other spot designated by CBRR&R Director. CBRR&R retains the right to reclaim said dog if dog does not integrate properly into Fostering Party's household as determined by CBRR&R. Fostering Party agrees to relinquish custody of said dog to CBRR&R representatives immediately upon request without legal writ or order if so requested by the CBRR&R Directors, for any reason.
  3. Transfer of Ownership, Loss or Death. The dog may not be transferred to any other person, firm or corporation for any reason whatsoever. CBRR&R must be notified upon the death of foster dog within 24 hours. Fostering Party agrees to immediately contact CBRR&R if foster dog is lost.
  4. Care. It is understood that foster dog will be kept as a housedog, not a kennel or yard dog and that the dog will not be kept chained or on a tie-out unsupervised at any time. Foster dog must NEVER be allowed to roam free in an unfenced area without supervision. Foster dog must be placed on an inoculation and heartworm preventative program as established by the CBRR&R 's veterinarian in order to guarantee continued health of foster dog. Fostering Party assumes all responsibility for said dog including but not limited to general well being, but excluding food and health care as defined in this Agreement.  Fostering Party agrees to allow CBRR&R to periodically check dog's acceptance of the new environment and family at anytime during the fostering time and to ensure the Fostering Party's compliance with the Terms of Fostering. CBRR&R retains the right to reclaim said dog when warranted because of neglect, abuse, inadequate care as defined by CBRR&R Directors, or breach of contract. Fostering Party agrees to relinquish custody of said dog to CBRR&R representatives immediately upon request without writ or legal order.
  5. Foster Care and Safety. Fostering Party agrees to follow EXACT instructions given by Regional Director or Adoption Coordinator for each as to the safety, care, treatment, training, and general foster home experience for Rescue foster dog. This includes instructions to keep dog on leash at ALL times unless in a safely fenced area, to follow all safety procedures when interacting with humans and other dogs, etc. Fostering Party will notify Regional Director or Adoption Coordinator if out of town trip is planned to discuss care for dog while away.  Fostering Party agrees to send truthful, full reports on any subject related to said dog, to Regional Director or Adoption Coordinator, upon request.
  6. Training. Absolutely, under NO circumstances may a Volunteer or Foster employ the so-called "alpha roll" technique on Rescue foster dog. Rescue foster dog can be trained in basic training commands such as sit, down, wait, and come. Only training methods approved by CBRR&R may be employed on Rescue foster dog.

    I, the Volunteer / Fostering Party, understand that I may not ever employ "alpha rolls" on a Rescue foster dog and that doing so is in direct breach of this contract. (Required):   

  7. Reporting Bite and Agression Incidents Immediately: Volunteer and/or Fostering Party agrees to immediately report any incident of aggression to your Regional Director or Board Member as outlined in CBRR&R’s Volunteer Foster Manual Section 2.6.3 "Bites or Aggression AFTER a dog has been accepted into rescue". (Required):   

  8. Reimbursement. CBRR&R will reimburse Fostering Party for health care expenses incurred by Fostering Party for foster dog's health during the foster placement period of time, if and only if health expenses are incurred at the veterinary facility approved in writing by CBRR&R before treatment commences; the only exception being if foster dog is in a life-threatening situation and needs immediate emergency care. CBRR&R will provide a crate for Fostering Party if one is needed, otherwise, Fostering Party will provide proper-sized crate or kennel run for foster dog. For reimbursement, Fostering Party must submit receipts for expenses via the "Invoice Submitter" on the CBRR&R website or email/mail to the Treasurer monthly at:

    Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief & Rescue
    PO Box 50892
    Amarillo TX 79159
    [email protected]

    Reimbursement will be made within 7 days of expense account submission, unless agreed upon otherwise by CBRR&R and Fostering Party in writing, before expenses are incurred. CBRR&R is not responsible for reimbursing Fostering Party for foster dog's items outside of health care or food, including, but not limited to: obedience classes, toys, beds, solutions for accidents in the house, etc. Reimbursement for behavioral help will be granted in writing at the discretion of a CBRR&R Director after receiving a request for such from Fostering Party.

  9. Foster Time Periods. CBRR&R will make every effort to adopt out Rescue foster dogs to new homes as quickly as possible. However CBRR&R makes no claims as to the maximum duration of a particular fostering placement. Minimum foster home placement duration is 14 days for observation.
  10. Adoption Appointments. Fostering Party may be asked to meet with potential Adopters via video conference or group call. In-person visits with potential adopters can be made by appointment. This should be known by CBRR&R team before the appointed time.
    If the Adopter would like his dog(s) to meet foster dog, Fostering Party agrees to instruct Adopters on how to conduct a meeting between Adopter's dog(s) and foster dog before conducting such a meeting. Fostering Party agrees use safe practices when allowing foster dog to meet Adopter's dogs such as one dog at a time in a neutral territory with both animals on a 6-ft leash with training or "choke" collars on both dogs for safety, with leashes each held by adults over 18 years of age.
    Children can be allowed to meet foster dogs only with supervision and instruction from Fostering Party and parent/guardian, and with the caution one would employ for any child meeting any strange dog. When the Adopter’s dog and foster dog meet, children must be away from the general meeting area.
    After the visit, the Fostering Party agrees to discuss his feelings on potential Adopter of visit with the CBRR&R regional team.
    Approved Adopter may take foster dog home if agreed by the Foster, Adoption Coordinator, and/or Regional Team and all details have been defined such as terms of foster-to-adopt, or regular adoption AND applicable Agreements has been signed.
    Adopter should not bring Adopter's dog(s) along for the trip home unless both dogs are crated in the vehicle, and that no children under 12 years is/are present without additional adult for supervision. 
  11. Reservation of Rights. CBRR&R reserves the right to follow through on this adoption in order to protect the welfare of the foster dog, as defined by CBRR&R Directors. If the terms and conditions of this agreement are not upheld by Fostering Party, and/or if any misrepresentation has been made to CBRR&R by said Fostering Party, CBRR&R reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and Fostering Party must return foster dog to CBRR&R upon request without legal writ or order. These rights are enforceable in law and in equity.
  12. Photographic/Story Rights. Fostering Party agrees to allow CBRR&R to print photographs/stories of Fostering Party and CBRR&R foster dog in the CBRR&R website and social media. (Required):  
  13. Attorney Fees and Costs. Should it become necessary for CBRR&R to take legal action to recover the Rescue foster dog or otherwise enforce the provisions of the Agreement, Undersigned Fostering Party agrees to pay all court costs and reasonable attorney's fees for CBRR&R legal costs. CBRR&R AND ITS REPRESENTATIVES ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE OR INJURY CAUSED BY THIS CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVER OR GUARANTEE AS TO ITS PRESENT OR FUTURE MEDICAL CONDITION OR TEMPERAMENT.
  14. Addendum Language Included. () If "Yes", the "FOSTER AGREEMENT - ADDENDUM - DISCLOSURES" section below and all language is incorporated in this Agreement.

If any part of this contract is deemed invalid, that shall not affect the validity of any other section of this Agreement and the remainder of Agreement will continue to be upheld. Party affirms that he is fostering said Chesapeake Bay Retriever and agrees to abide by the terms of this Agreement. By signing, Fostering Party is stating that each clause and the contract in its entirety has been read and understood by him. Fostering Party is signing of his own free will and not under duress of any kind. Fostering Party affirms that he has never been charged with animal cruelty, and is not an animal dealer or broker. The UNDERSIGNED understand that the parties hereby released admit no liability of any sort by reason of this adoption and that said payment is made to terminate further controversy respecting any and all claims for damages that said Fostering Party has heretofore asserted or might personally or through personal representative hereafter assert because of said adoption.

Volunteer and/or Fostering Party's
Name 1:

Name 2:


Phone:     Email:   Email 2:



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Signature Certificate
Document name: Volunteer / Foster Agreement - eSignature
lock iconUnique Document ID: 88bf1903649445264ce3ae45cdd2b4536c67604d
Timestamp Audit
April 18, 2019 4:02 pm ESTVolunteer / Foster Agreement - eSignature Uploaded by CBR Admin - [email protected] IP
June 5, 2019 4:29 pm ESTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
June 12, 2019 5:39 pm ESTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
July 8, 2019 8:58 am ESTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
July 19, 2019 4:53 pm ESTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
July 19, 2019 4:53 pm ESTkarl test - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
July 23, 2019 6:44 am ESTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
July 23, 2019 6:44 am ESTkarl test - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
September 3, 2019 10:20 am ESTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
February 8, 2020 6:21 pm ESTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
May 28, 2021 1:22 pm ESTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
June 6, 2023 1:21 pm ESTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
June 6, 2023 1:22 pm ESTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
June 6, 2023 2:21 pm ESTeSig Group - [email protected] added by CBR Admin - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: