Sweet Marlee was bitten by a rattlesnake while protecting a human.
Check out KOB 4 News story on Marlee (scroll to the 46 second mark, after election story).
Marlee is a beautiful 4 year old male Chesapeake retriever. He was picked up as a stray this past March and never claimed. He’s been at the animal shelter ever since, waiting for a new home. He’s become a beloved member of the shelter family and is a true character.
Unfortunately, this area is also home to a lot of rattlesnakes, who have been quite active lately. On October 8th Marlee went after a rattlesnake that was about to strike one of the Animal Control Officers. He bit the head off the snake & the snake bit him – on the tongue! His tongue immediately became so swollen it threatened his ability to breathe. Marlee had to have surgery to remove part of his tongue. Marlee will now forever be a special needs dog – eating, drinking, cooling himself and grooming himself will require extra attention.
Marlee also lost a lot of fur the vet said the bite changed the condition of his coat. All the volunteers said his coat was brown and wavy when they got him. Now it is silver with only a little brown in it. The vet said he has “fever fur”. She said he lost a lot of fur with being so sick and it changed the character of his fur.
We have found forever adopters for Marlee, they are completely dedicated to nursing Marlee back to health, helping him learn to eat and drink without most of his tongue, and being a very loved member of his new family.
Marlee’s family report that Braunschweiger sandwiches go down the best and easy for him to eat. Marlee loves his new pack and their daily walks. He loves the hugs and kisses.
Marlee’s ER vet costs were over $9,000. We are trying to raise money for the ER expense, and his expenses going forward. Anything raised over this will be used for other chessies in need.