By Sylvia Brown & Jackie Patterson
A prelude: we were privileged to be Cord’s last home though it was for a way too short a time. We want to thank everyone involved for their contribution and support – the Prineville Five was a magnificent undertaking. Cord was one of those Chessies that touched everyone who knew of him, just as everyone else’s Chessie does. He was our fourth Chessie and like all before him, exhibited what “Chessie Deeps” means.
In late August 2020, Embossed Cordovan, better known as Cord (one of the famed Prineville 5 royalty) left his foster, Rebecca and his “almost” buddy Charles, the pug, to come and live with us and our third Chessie, Ruby, on our 13 acre property. It was well known by then that Cord was a “wanderer” and, oh, did he ever have places to wander! So much so that we put a bright orange collar on him to see him better when he was of on one of his rambles.
Cord had some seizure issues, but we were determined to carefully administer his meds to ensure the best possible regimen to control them. The meds did make Cord a bit wobbly in his hindquarters, but he always managed to remain alert while taking them. His prescription food also seemed to ensure fewer episodes. Cord needed to lose a bit of weight and we limited his treats to healthy low-calorie items like green beans and carrots. Here you see both Cord and Ruby waiting for their special treats to be prepared. After a few months, Mr. Cord was successful at becoming his svelte former self! In November, he weighed in at 77.4 pounds – 10 pounds less than when he came to us. Luckily, all those blackberries that he would pick for himself didn’t prevent him from losing the much-needed weight!
Cord was used to being with other dogs and it wasn’t long before he and Ruby got along – he treated her like a queen! It was fun to see how they taught each other things! Ruby taught Cord to bark! We had never heard him bark, and one day he just started after listening to Ruby and he had such a nice masculine bark! Before Cord, Ruby didn’t play, but Cord taught her! When a ball was thrown for Cord, Ruby decided that she needed to have one thrown for her too! Both dogs decided that it was necessary to supervise us whenever we used the bathroom. (Whoever gets to go to the bathroom alone when you have dogs?!). Both dogs loved car rides in our new van and enjoyed going places with us.
Cord had some lumps and bumps that needed to be removed and had surgery in November. He was a little slow to bounce back from the anesthesia, but happily all those bumps and lumps turned out to be negative. By Thanksgiving, he was again full of piss and vinegar and enjoying the weather and his wanders.
In December Cord was fully recovered and full of energy and zest for life. No seizures, healing well from surgery and loving other dogs and people. Cord especially loved having his other family, our son and daughter in law and kids, living close by so that he could run over to visit. Cord also loved his toys, especially his hedgehogs and squeaky rabbit and enjoyed little games of tug with them. He surprised us one day by his reaction to two kitties talking to each other on a video. He loved seeing it and we realized that he must have had barn cats in Prineville. Ruby and Cord were a bit bored with the rainy weather in January but got to snuggle with each other.
And then, on January 19th, Cord, our beloved Prineville 5 Chessie, peacefully left us. We are so grateful to have had him with us these last several months. He was the most pleasant boy. He fulfilled all of the requests one could possibly ask for in a Chessie. He was so loving to all he lived with and to all he met on walks and at the vet.
We are sure that he was happy until the last and we knew he was not in any pain. We simply said goodnight and kissed him as usual. He looked so peaceful on his bed. By morning he was gone. Though painful to those left behind, one can only pray for this blessing for exiting life.
Cord is buried on our property where he loved to wander. His spot looks out on the field he enjoyed his rambles. He was such a sweet blessing.
We will miss him always. Goodbye sweet Cord.