Proudly introducing Khoda, aka Gaston, July’s star from the Mid-Atlantic region!
By Pam Emge
Thanks to a Facebook comment and a few photos, we were made aware of this young fellow by the woman who found him goobering around in her yard. Bribing with a few Pupperonies, she was able to catch him, and she took him to a nearby shelter that luckily, we have a great relationship with. He had no collar, was not neutered, and no microchip was found. We stayed in touch with the shelter mgr. during his 7-day stray hold, and they were able to do a basic vaccination update. Because of Covid-19, no vets were coming to the shelter, and because this dog was SO nervous, they could not risk putting him on the shelter “taxi” for a ride to the local vet for neutering or for a rabies vaccination.
Enter emergency volunteer evaluator Patty and southeast 1st time foster, Chuck. This Chessie stray was sprung immediately following his shelter hold, and off he went to begin a life of filling his empty file cabinet with all sorts of experiences. New home, new people, new name, the cat, other dogs, car rides, vet visits, neutering, and beginner obedience work. Of course, he loved his tennis balls, and his best talent was catching them in the air for return. An outfielder contract with the Baltimore Orioles would suit him to a tee! And Chuck was a star foster!
After a month of fostering, Chuck decided it was time for a permanent, adoptive home. Rob and family lived on a large river tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. They visited, fell for Gaston, Chuck approved, and Rob signed the adoption contract for him. Now at his forever home, taking boat rides out to his bay, and perfecting his out fielding, Gaston, now Khoda, is settling in nicely. Unbelievably, he still has not been brave enough to just jump into the pool there but building confidence and a bond with the family members will most likely have him in the water in no time. He has even had dinner with them at a local restaurant! Another dream come true for a CBRR&R rescue and a new adoptive family.
Huge thanks to everyone involved you all who took a huge leap of faith in giving this boy a chance!