This poor dog has been in our rescue for over a year. He’s a senior and clearly doesn’t have years and years ahead of him. He’d make a great companion for a retired couple or family with older children.
He is a is a fun lovin little Chessie mix. He is so affectionate and just loves people (anyone and everyone). He is good with female dogs. His best friend in boarding is a Catahula dog named Jasmine. His favorite hobbies other than snuggling with humans and hanging out with other female dogs is to hunt frogs around the pond. Swimming is not his thing.
Even though he’s a senior he is more active in cooler weather. He’s crate trained. He might have been house trained but has been a kennel dog for over a year. He is a great traveler and is always up for a puppy dog car ride.
We can arrange transport to an approved adopter on the East Coast!
Please call/text 941-650- 6717 or email us at whisperingoakschesapeakes@