By Randi Lundstrom
Khaki 03/17/2022 – One of the Prineville Five
Our beloved Khaki went to doggie heaven on 03/17/2022
Samantha, Hailey, and I were boarding a plane when I received the heart wrenching phone call that
Khaki had passed away. Bella her sister was by her side. Tears and sadness from the feeling of not seeing
Khaki filled our eyes and hearts.
I will never forget the day I first met Khaki. Beautiful blonde coat and her tongue lay hanging out the
side of her mouth. At first, we were worried how she would do with other dogs but as soon as the ball
was thrown, she acted as if she knew us all along. Her demeanor was sweet and instantly knew she
would be a good fit with Samantha and Hailey.
The girls and I were chosen as her family to take care of her. I remember how cool that felt. When I
brought her home, she had no problem fitting in. Samantha and Hailey instantly fell in love with her and
they all played dress up and searching for sticks in the yard. My thoughts fell into this routine of Khaki
living forever.
Khaki was one of the sweetest dogs I have ever known. Khaki was nanna to Samantha and Hailey. She
would watch over them and protect. Khaki loved to eat and at very specific times. If I was late at feeding
or playing Khaki had no problem speaking up to remind me. Her body had aged but her mind was young.
During play time and the ball was thrown Khaki would turn into a puppy. When other doggie friends
would come to play Khaki would act if she were the grown up in charge. If things were getting out of
hand during the play date Khaki would bark to let everyone know that was enough.
Bella and Khaki were 2 peas in a pod. They loved competing over who could get the ball first and tug of
war with sticks. One time they escaped the yard together. I received a phone call from a neighbor that
he had found them. I was amazed at the distance they traveled together and the fact they stayed with
each other the whole time. When I picked them up, they were super happy I found them. From that
point on they were known as the “escape artists.”
I will never forget the look Khaki would give me with her eyes. Her and I could read each other’s
thoughts just by looking at each other. Looking back, we had an eye stare exchange the night before she
passed. I will never forget that.
Life is unpredictable and short. To say I wish I had one more day with Khaki is an understatement. One
of the hardest parts is that the girls and I feel like we never got to say good bye. I believe that is how
Khaki wanted it. Khaki was a very smart dog. I learned a lot from her. Khaki will be in our hearts forever.
I had Khaki cremated. She is in a beautiful box on the top of our mantle with her leash. Hailey also
collected some of her hair and put it in a bag next to the shrine.
Maybe not goodbye but see you later Khaki girl. I promise to bring the food and ball when we see you
again in heaven.
Samantha, Hailey, and Randi