CBRR&R “Relief” Mission to help Gryff a chessie in need!
CBRR&R Southwest was asked by Gryff’s family if we could assist with medical costs for Gryff’s TPLO surgery as part of our relief mission. CBRR&R agreed and is launching a fundraiser to help this sweet boy. Gryff’s surgery estimate is $3,041.93.
Surgery is scheduled for July 21st.
From Gryff’s family:
Gryff is a beloved member of our family who has been with us for 4 years. We rescued him from the shelter in Mesa, AZ and we have loved him ever since!
Gryff loves to swim, hike, and plays fetch like it’s his job. He is a gentle giant with all of our kids and insists on helping us put them all to bed every night. Gryff is my shadow around the house, always positioning himself where he can see all the doors to protect us. His goofy chessie grin when we walk in the door or wake up in the morning is a highlight of our day!
With his knee injury, he is unable to do many of the things that he loves without pain. While stubborn and insistent, he continues to try, not wanting to be left out of any of the family memories. We are hoping that this surgery will help him return to the pain-free quality of life that we so deeply enjoy with him.
Thank you for helping this sweet boy!!